Benefits of Organic SEO Search Traffic

For many companies, an SEO strategy is either a magic formula or a magic bullet.

Although they hope that a short-term focus on SEO will solve all of their companies’ web challenges, the processes for performing SEO are shrouded in mystery. In truth, SEO is part of a larger online strategy to improve search traffic and maximize the use of your web content.

At Walker Sands, a Chicago SEO company, we apply a variety of professional web design and marketing strategies to the challenge of increasing our clients’ organic search traffic.

We recognize that pay-per-click advertising has its place, but we strongly believe that organic (i.e., unpaid) search traffic has more value than traffic that is generated through paid click ads. Here’s why:

  • Cost. The most obvious benefit of organic search traffic is a cost advantage. Pay-per-click ads will put your company’s links in front of potential site visitors. But over time, the amount of cash you’ll spend on click-throughs can add up. Once you have implemented sound SEO principles, the cost-per-click for organic search traffic is zero, giving your company an edge over competitors who are trapped in a pay-per-click universe.

  • Credibility. One of the reasons why we advocate for organic site traffic is credibility. At this stage of the game, most Internet users know the score — companies that take an exclusively paid approach to site traffic are often behind the market in presence and credibility. By targeting organic traffic, our web design and online marketing team solidify your firm’s online presence and reputation.

  • Competition. Here’s something else to consider: when pursued aggressively, organic search traffic can effectively block your competitors’ online presence. The more effort you invest in improving organic search traffic, the higher your site appears in search rankings — pushing competitors further down the list.

  • Combined Approach. Internet users are non-homogenous. Some prefer to access sites through search engines; others routinely click paid ads. That makes it important for business sites to take a combined approach that integrates both organic search traffic and paid advertising into a coherent online strategy.

Walker Sands is a leading Chicago SEO company with a proven track record in improving organic search traffic for business websites. Our team understands how important organic traffic is to your company. We’re eager to partner with you to increase your company’s search rankings and total online visibility.

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