Editorial Content

Raise awareness, establish credibility and differentiate your brand from competitors with B2B editorial content marketing that expertly communicates your brand’s voice, tone and thought leadership perspective.

Don’t settle for middle-of-the-road content. Tell a different story

Editorial content marketing creates opportunities for brands to establish themselves as industry thought leaders. However, many B2B brands are running in place when it comes to content. They craft countless blogs and research reports, only to see them fail to generate interest or resonate with target audiences.
Results-focused B2B editorial content considers your brand’s value proposition, your audience’s pain points and the industry landscape.

Simply having a unique perspective isn’t enough — you also need to structure your content in a compelling way.
That’s where Walker Sands can make an impact. Our experienced team of B2B writers can deliver contributed articles, original research, sales enablement content, SEO-driven blogs and copy refinement to establish your brand as a leading voice in your industry.

two pages of articles

Increase credibility with your target audiences

Insightful, timely and technically accurate content boosts your credibility and builds trust with potential customers.

Drive sales growth throughout the pipeline

Fuel sales activity at every stage of the funnel with SEO blog posts and gated assets like white papers and tip sheets that drive conversions.

iphone and tablet
iPhone with Washington post article

Land media placements that drive brand awareness

Get your brand name in the news with original research reports and contributed bylines that garner media interest and showcase thought leadership.

Walker Sands Editorial Content FAQs

What’s the difference between editorial content and other content Walker Sands’ produces?

Editorial content requires a deep understanding of your brand’s value proposition, audience pain points and the industry landscape. With long-form content, copy needs to be in-depth but not long-winded. Unlike our short-form copywriting, our editorial content tells more nuanced stories that establish you as an expert in your field. At the same time, every sentence serves a purpose, which means we keep copy concise and to the point.

What types of content does Walker Sands create?

As part of our editorial content offering, we can craft contributed bylines, blog articles, white papers, e-books, research reports, case studies, tip sheets, one-pagers and more. In addition to our editorial content, we can also provide a comprehensive range of written sales enablement content and premium content assets, including infographics, slide decks, webinars and email copy.
Beyond crafting original assets, our team is experienced in conducting content audits, building content strategy and developing content calendars. We can also help bring content that you created across the finish line through copy refinement.

Explore more outcomes and solutions

Begin the editorial process today.

Tim Morral headshot
Tim Morral
Senior Vice President, Content