Benefits of Data-Driven PR

Reporters and journalists are skilled at crafting thought-provoking stories for their audiences.

But to do their jobs effectively, they need raw materials, i.e. facts, figures, data, statistics — all of the numbers that create context for a solid story concept. The problem is that finding those numbers can be a challenge. Industry journals and trade associations have limited value, so in many instances journalists will create story concepts around data that has already been provided to them.

And that’s where data-driven PR enters the picture. By organizing your company’s data in a systematic and digestible fashion, you incentivize media professionals to cover your brand. Our PR and marketing teams regularly partner with clients to create irresistible pitches using the company’s existing data. Why? Because data-driven PR offers benefits that are difficult to access through other channels.

  • Media resource. Right away, data-driven PR is valuable because it gives journalists and reports easy access to data and statistics. The average reporter faces tight deadlines and constant interruptions. Although there may be a stack of press releases on her desk, a reporter will usually pay more attention to the pitches that include solid data.

  • Economic indicators. Journalists also like data-driven PR because the right data can be used as an economic indicator. Data that targets a specific industry or geographic region is particularly attractive because it provides a local slant on national economic issues.

  • Trends. At Walker Sands, we sometimes use company data to generate pitches about industry or regional trends. Reporters love trend stories because they appeal to broad audiences. Even people who aren’t situated within your industry are interested in hearing about how your industry is trending and its implications for their business or personal lives.

  • Industry authority. Over time, a data-driven PR strategy establishes your business as an authority in the industry. For whatever reason, firm data carries weight with readers, viewers and media outlets. That weight has a cumulative effect and will eventually push your profile past larger competitors.

  • Residual value. One of the best reasons to pursue data-driven PR is that each placement has residual value. Reporters and journalists who bite on a data-driven pitch will come back for additional story ideas later, especially if you pitch new data at regular intervals.

Over the years, Walker Sands has had a history of success using data-driven PR strategies to achieve high-profile media placements for our clients. Give us a call and let’s discuss how we can use your company’s data to generate thought-provoking PR pitches for your brand.

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