a man in a collared shirt and mustard colored pants with earbuds in, sitting down in front of a potted plant, holding a ceramic bowl

Growth, Position

Rebrand and Site Redesign Positions Merged Loyalty Businesses as Single Entity

Integrated project unifies Clarus Commerce and PrizeLogic under a single name, brand and website.

light blue ebbo logo with the hole in the "o" arranged to make a wide smile







Have you ever scored a free cup of coffee after visiting the same cafe every day on your commute? Or have you entered a brand’s sweepstakes in hopes of winning a grand prize? ebbo is the industry leader behind these customer loyalty and brand engagement strategies that keep customers coming back for more.

After a long-time PR partnership with Walker Sands, ebbo, formerly Clarus Commerce, turned to our creative team for a rebrand and website project following an acquisition. The integrated project included brand naming, a new visual and verbal identity, and a full web redesign for the new brand.

accessibility score

Google performance score

SEO score

The Challenge

The ebbo rebrand and redesign required careful planning, coordination, management and strategy to consolidate two brands into one. Teams across Walker Sands faced combining two existing product lines, brand identities, names and information architecture — all while aligning messaging between PrizeLogic and Clarus Commerce.

The Solution

Our discovery process included auditing both companies’ brand identities and historical marketing initiatives. We performed stakeholder interviews to obtain insights on target audiences, competitor information and project goals.

After speaking with both companies’ customers, we developed a clear path for the brand’s redefined positioning, strategic foundation, messaging and brand expression. The new positioning centered around the brand’s promise to shape unforgettable brand experiences through their iterative approach, dedicated partnership and unrivaled solutions.

Our next challenge was consolidating the businesses under a single name.

The renaming process consisted of several client workshops to define potential naming directions. Our team researched and vetted dozens of options, presented our findings to the client and performed social listening on the selected names. Ultimately, we landed on “ebbo,” derived from the word “ebb,” to emphasize the ebb and flow of the customer journey from the first interaction to return visits.

Next, ebbo also needed a unified visual and verbal identity that conveyed both brands’ customer loyalty and promotions expertise. We started with the ebbo logo, embracing a simple and modern wordmark that captures the feeling of bliss and excitement when a customer has an enjoyable interaction with a brand.

Our team also developed a brand system consisting of several unique shapes and patterns to reinforce ebbo’s ability to “shape” custom brand experiences. The shapes and patterns can be used on their own as an abstract visual device or as image masks to frame images of customer experiences. By using a bright and versatile color palette, we added joy and energy to the brand while providing flexibility for varying design compositions and materials.

For the verbal identity, we embraced a straightforward, supportive and charming voice to convey ebbo’s consumer knowledge while remaining approachable to key audiences.

Finally, our web team executed ebbo’s new brand direction across a custom-designed website. We conducted a content audit of existing web assets, keyword competitor research and an SEO analysis of the PrizeLogic and Clarus Commerce sites to inform a new information architecture.

As we moved into site design and content development, our team focused on streamlining content modules, incorporating customer-focused imagery and using results-driven copy to emphasize ebbo’s custom solutions.

The Results

The ebbo rebrand and redesign unifies Clarus Commerce and PrizeLogic under a single, modern name, brand and website that turns customers’ heads — and makes the ebbo team proud.

Beyond a new identity, the new ebbo brand and website set the business up for long-term growth. The flexible brand system and product architecture enable ebbo to evolve as the business expands its suite of services. And with a 95% Google Lighthouse score and 100% technical SEO score, the website is now optimized for increased lead generation.

 Jim Tierney, ebbo Loyalty Content Specialist

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