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Paid Media Program Accelerates Growth for Promevo

SaaS cloud company hits pipeline goals through strategic paid media management.

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Promevo, a Google Premier Partner specializing in comprehensive Google Chrome, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Google Workspace (GWS) solutions — including their proprietary software gPanel® — needed a strategic digital marketing partner to help them achieve their aggressive growth targets.

With a tight timeline of only six months, the cloud company looked to Walker Sands to establish a paid search and social program from the ground up, with a focus on LinkedIn and Google Ads. Walker Sands rose to the occasion and delivered impressive results that exceeded Promevo’s pipeline goals, leading to further collaboration between the two teams.

marketing qualified leads

pipeline generated

return on ad spend

The Challenge

Promevo engaged Walker Sands to set up, manage and optimize their paid media program with the goal of generating high-quality leads and fostering a robust sales pipeline. In addition to building the paid program from scratch on a tight budget, as a Google Premier Partner, Promevo looked to our team to help them meet ambitious pipeline goals in the short time span of six months.

The Solution

Despite these challenges, Walker Sands set out to design a paid media strategy that would generate demand among Promevo’s target audience of decision-makers across SMB organizations who stood to benefit from Cloud or Google Workspace solutions. The paid strategy spanned Google Search, Google Display and LinkedIn channels with messaging and content designed to reach and nurture key audiences throughout the buyer journey.

Before partnering with Walker Sands, Promevo had limited paid ads and inconsistent blog content. To address this challenge, Walker Sands kicked off the program with a comprehensive content strategy that led to the creation of four net new blogs and a tipsheet. With these assets, Walker Sands was ready to launch Promevo’s first-ever ad campaigns on LinkedIn.

The initial campaign launch was set to sync up with the launch of Promevo’s new website, which was facing delays — intensifying the pressure to achieve the program goals in an increasingly limited time frame. To ensure the program’s success, Walker Sands proactively developed creative strategies to launch interim campaigns, enabling the team to begin fueling the pipeline while simultaneously working on the larger launch strategy. This approach helped move the needle on the achievement of Promevo’s pipeline goals while minimizing the impact of the launch delay.

Coinciding with the full campaign launch, Walker Sands developed a budget-friendly strategy tailored to the B2B buyer journey. To start, we deployed an always-on Google Search campaign to attract prospects actively researching solutions, while simultaneously leveraging LinkedIn image ads to build awareness and educate prospects from Promevo’s target account list. This initial step aimed to create a base-level understanding while driving traffic to Promevo’s site, which was then leveraged for remarketing campaigns across LinkedIn and Google.

Moving further down the funnel, our strategy shifted to engage potential leads more deeply. We used various LinkedIn ad formats to promote gated content and generate MQLs.

Next, we employed a cross-remarketing approach that targeted individuals who had previously interacted with our content. This phase focused on bottom-of-the-funnel offers to nudge leads closer to conversion. We used a combination of Google search and display advertising, LinkedIn conversation ads, and image ads to nurture leads and influence the opportunity pipeline.

This comprehensive strategy ensured we engaged prospects at various touch points throughout the customer journey, nurturing them from initial awareness to generating significant opportunities for Promevo.

Throughout the program, our team remained agile and pivoted the paid strategy as needed to meet Promevo’s pipeline goals. The Walker Sands Client Services team also provided consistent support for Promevo’s team every step of the way, leading to an even stronger partnership and continued collaboration.

The Results

Walker Sands’ strategic paid media efforts enabled Promevo to not only reach but surpass its aggressive growth goals. Working against a tight budget and timeline, the partnership was able to deliver impressive results.

Over a period of three and a half months, the demand generation program generated a total of 191 new leads, with an impressive 60% qualification rate, resulting in 115 marketing qualified leads (MQLs). To date, these qualified opportunities have generated over $320,000 in revenue for Promevo. The program also achieved a 254% total Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), showcasing the business impact made by the Walker Sands team.

As a result of the partnership, Promevo was also able to hit its Google pipeline goals, contributing to Promevo surpassing its GWS goal by 50% and its GCP goal by 30%.

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