Retail Technology PR

Retail technology PR enables tech firms to expand their reach and make new inroads with executive-level decision-makers at some of the world’s most recognized retail brands. With technology serving as a driving force in the evolution of retail, it’s critical for retail tech companies to leverage public relations strategies that are designed produce measurable outcomes and real world business advantage.

At Walker Sands, we’ve seen PR agencies execute a wide variety of retail technology PR approaches. While some have been first-class, others have failed to connect with retailers and have done more harm than good. As a leader in retail technology PR, we’ve built our reputation on consistently delivering retail tech strategies that are innovative, measurable and effective.

What is Retail Tech PR?

Retail tech PR is the strategic promotion of innovative technologies that enhance the retail and e-commerce experience. It involves leveraging deep industry expertise and strong media relationships to position retail tech companies as leaders in their field.

An effective retail tech PR strategy is outcome-based and oriented towards a retail tech company’s North Star business objective. By crafting compelling narratives and staying ahead of market trends, retail tech PR helps brands differentiate themselves, build credibility and engage their target audiences effectively.

Characteristics of an Innovative Retail Technology PR Agency

The retail industry is constantly changing and your organization’s public relations strategy needs to adapt to stay current with the needs of the retail marketplace. But in general, there are several qualities and characteristics that are common to the most effective retail technology PR campaigns.

  1. Industry Insights – The best retail technology PR strategies convert your organization’s unique retail industry insights into high value thought leadership content that is appealing to influential media outlets and industry insiders. By leveraging industry knowledge and your company’s internal expertise, your retail technology PR agency can craft campaigns that deliver a wider and deeper footprint with retail decision-makers.
  2. Research-Driven – In many ways, innovative retail technology PR is about delivering value to targeted audiences. In today’s retail marketplace, nothing offers more value than research-driven insights that are designed to uncover information about the latest retail trends. At Walker Sands, we specialize in the use of independent surveys and research reports that position our clients as thought leaders in their space.
  3. Social Shareability – Social media has transformed the way audiences locate and interact with content. In retail technology PR, it isn’t just about creating high quality content—it’s also about creating content that is shareable and promotes social brand advocacy. Across the board, the most effective retail technology PR campaigns include a strategic approach that identifies the most important social media channels for your brand and encourages engagement with followers.

Examples of Retail Technology PR Tactics

Retail technology PR tactics need to be aligned with business goals and desired campaign outcomes. Walker Sands uses a combination of retail technology PR tactics to develop and execute strategies for our retail tech clients, including:

  • Speaking panel opportunities
  • Networking with industry analysts
  • Surveys and reports
  • Thought leadership content on breaking news
  • Content marketing & contributed bylines
  • Social media engagement

As a full-service retail technology PR firm, Walker Sands is dedicated to leveraging innovative campaigns and tactics to stay ahead of industry trends—ensuring that your business is seen as a leader that not only reacts to news, but helps create it.

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